This game is our entry to the 2009 Global Game Jam ( We started with the “Kranzky Engine”; a simple C++ framework that integrates Haaf’s Game Engine (, Box2D ( and SQLite (, and which supports XBOX360 controllers and an online leaderboard. Lloyd Kranzky built this engine while participating in various local gamejam events in Perth, Western Australia ( We thank him very much for letting us use it.

Apart from the Kranzky Engine, we used Ruby, Cygwin, Git, Vim and Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. Everything was written in C++, apart from our build script. No Python or Unity here, folks.

All gameplay code, graphics, audio and such was done in a 48hr period (in fact, probably around 30hrs, given that we got some sleep). The only exceptions to this are the basic engine code, and the splash screen graphics, which Aladar Apponyi drew as part of Lloyd Kranzky’s previous gamejam entries.


The overall aim of the game is to build a single brown cloud by collecting and spitting clouds of different colours from different levels of the atmosphere. Move the King of Winds around with mouse and keyboard, or an XBOX360 controller, which you can plug in at any time. See the in-game help screen for more info.


  1. A complete play session must always last 5 minutes or less.

Yes, a timer counts down from 300secs.

  1. As long as we have each other, we will never run out of problems.

If all clouds are destroyed, Fujin goes to sleep, as there’s nothing left to do.

Also, the brown clouds are an obvious metaphor for pollution; a big problem.

  1. Adjectives: Cloud, Sleepless, Destined

Cloud: Yes, it’s all about clouds.

Sleepless: Kind of. Fujin sleeps when he’s solved the pollution problem.

Destined: Not really.



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